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Storage Units

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Storage Units information

Book and shelving units are one of the easiest ways to showcase your personal taste, whether that’s through books or décor accents and art.

The living room is the perfect spot for a large storage unit as it can double as a display unit as well as a place to house electronic accessories. Choose a style that reflects the rest of the room – industrial metals look great in a modern, loft space while timber options are perfect for more traditional spaces. If you choose a bookcase with a lot of differently sized shelves, consider styling it eclectically. Fill some of the spaces with books and then create visual breaks by adding in artificial plants, décor objects and framed pictures for a stunning focal point.

Smaller storage units with drawers are ideal for the home office and for bedrooms. Use these little pedestals to store stockings and socks, hats and gloves in a spare room or for office stationery in your study. Style the surface with a bud vase and a scented candle to finish the look.

Storage units with closed drawers or cupboard doors are the answer for unsightly items like power cords, tools and the bits and pieces we need to keep but want out of sight. Position mid-sized models like this in entrance halls and at the end of a passage and complement it with a beautiful decorative bowl or vase.